I hope you were among the fortunate who witnessed THE most extensive and spectacular firework show ever produced over the water of Angle Lake!
Many may be under the impression that the City of SeaTac is responsible for producing the annual fireworks display over Angle Lake and that is not accurate. It is a fact that the City is a significant financial contributor, along with donations made by the Angle Lake Shore Club Members funding the display. And the City is responsible for managing the inked contract with Halo Fireworks, the pyrotechnical vendor.
However, the bulk of the event's designing, planning, staging, execution, and dismantling is performed mainly by the vendor and with support by a few essential volunteer resources from the Angle Lake Shore Club. I feel it is now time to reveal and recognize the individuals who were instrumental in pulling off a show of this magnitude in 2022!
For years the fireworks display had been managed under the supervision of the Angle Lake Shore Club's immediate past President, Lonnie Goulet. Some have had an idea about the tremendous work, energy, and stressful situations Lonnie endured year over year in pulling together the annual show. It is not until you step into that role that you realize what a fantastic effort it takes to produce a quality show. This year I had the opportunity to experience this firsthand!
First, I'd like to recognize the expertise Launce Goulet has gained from all the prior years' efforts. Second I wish to express my appreciation and thank Lonnie for being available to me as a mentor and consultant by continuing to provide guidance this year. And thirdly, I'd like to give recognition and voice my appreciation for the individuals who contributed to making this year's 'Three Ring' show such a huge success!!!
An idea was born; Designs were created; Plans were developed and executed.
During the initial prospect contract interviews with Halo Fireworks, representative John Miller revealed that their outfit was among the few in the region capable of firing shells remotely via wireless technology. This meant there would be no need for a 'Boom Shack' and personnel to be located on the barge itself, reducing the launch platform's overall space requirement from 1,400 square feet to less than 600 feet total! Requiring only 3 of the total seven Shore Club barges available. Both shows produced in 2018 and 2019 were huge successes!
Acknowledgment for the underutilization of the remaining barges no longer needed to produce our standard 18-minute show became the genesis for further discussion about how we could celebrate the City's 30th Anniversary the following year in a very big way. A concept was drafted that included deployment of two additional barges to result in a show fired from three independent locations over the lake. As we know, the Corona Virus Pandemic would prevent any celebration during the 2020 and 2021 seasons.

At the beginning of 2022, it appeared that the Governor mandated Covid restrictions were easing up. The same question repeatedly surfaced from the general resident population around the lake, "Will there be a fireworks show this year?" Halo confirmed that they had the personnel, product, and capacity to produce a show of increased magnitude this year. Initially, the City was reluctant but eventually agreed with the concept. I'd like to thank John Miller and Halo Fireworks for hanging in there during the negotiation period with City Parks. I recognize that other municipalities were courting your services - but thank you for remaining loyal to us.
Next, hold harmless agreements were generated between Halo, ALSC and the Angle Lake Mobile Home Park for the authorized use of the mobile home vacant property as our fireworks staging area.
And without the following volunteers, this show would not have been possible, let alone its tremendous success! Thank you to Bruce Goulet, who performed additional alterations required for the barge anchoring system and who led the Barge Team of volunteer resources. It was incredible to witness this master pilot navigating up to 6 barges together at a time (1,200 sq ft of mass!) and skillfully docking it with precision! And Larry Pistol, who led our Anchoring Team. He helped ensure we remained compliant with the Fire Permit rules and regulations by situation and securing the barges to the specifically required GPS coordinates prescribed within the safety fallout zones.
Finally, I wish to thank the shore club members and the additional residents around Angle Lake who contributed the recommended dollar amount (and the several who donated more!) and to the Citizens of SeaTac, whose financial support made up the balance of the costs of the display and provided the Policing Services and Parks Maintenance.
It is incredible witnessing what can be accomplished when we come together to focus on common goals and achieve successful results that bring about "Unity in the Community"!
It is with enormous appreciation and gratitude that I express a sincere Thank You for all who helped,
Fuzz Hill.