2017 ALSC Fishing Derby, Raffle and Barbecue!

Shore Club Representatives will be stopping by Angle Lake Homes this week for an opportunity to purchase Raffle Ticket for the upcoming Annual Fishing Derby, Raffle and Community Barbecue!

Sunday, April 30th
BS Goulet Beach – Driveway Post 21
Fishing Contest 7:00 AM until 12 Noon. 
Lunch; Awards and Raffle Drawings 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

As has become tradition on our lake, we’ll start the morning off with coffee, muffins and donuts available on the beach at 7:00 am. At 11:30 AM the Shore Club Chefs will start grilling up salmon, hamburgers and hot dogs to be served with a plentiful spread of side dishes. Fishing competition weigh-in, measure up will cut off at precisely 12 Noon. Derby winners will be announced approximately at 1:00 PM and prizes will be awarded.  Our random Raffle Prize drawings for the numerous valuable raffle prizes will be done immediately following derby announcements. We will also be selling T-shirts and other items on the day of the Derby. 

See the Flyer for Complete Details!

To help increase your chance of winning any of the many fabulous raffle prizes, we are offering a sliding scale discount for volume ticket purchases. The price for a single raffle ticket (which includes entry into the fishing competition and barbecue lunch) is just $5. However the more you buy the better your odds of winning and the more you save!

$5   –  Purchase 1 ticket
$10 –  3 tickets (buy 2, get 1 free!)
$15 –  6 tickets (buy 3, get 3 free!)
$20 – 10 tickets (buy 4, get 6 free!)

While only one (1) raffle ticket per person is required to enter into the drawing, participate in the fishing derby with the first prize for biggest trout set at $11 plus indulging in all scrumptious food available we encourage you to buy as many tickets as possible to help support this and other Shore Club events throughout the year.

If you would like to buy tickets or volunteer to help at the derby please contact: Lonnie Goulet (206) 948-2009.

Sun is Out; Temps are Up; Flowers are Blooming, but Where are the Kids?

This Sunday, April 16th between the hours 9:00 and 11:00 AM, the Easter Bunny will visit Angle Lake, hoping from dock to dock with his basket full of Easter bags filled with treats to be handed out to any eagerly awaiting child and their families.

(To view pictures from last year, Click HERE)

However, our event coordinator, Margaret (aka: ‘Lynne with a Grin’) is having a difficult time identifying any neighbors interested hosting a stop for the Bunny Meet and Greet!

If you have small children at home and/or will have grandchildren visiting on Easter Sunday and would like to ensure a special visit from the Easter Bunny, please contact Lynn Caster no later than Friday, April 14th to request a stop. Send email to lynnewithagrin@gmail.com and provide your name, contact phone number, address (post number) and indicate of how many children are expected to be present. 

Also please note, If you have a gift basket that you wish to have personally presented to your child by the Easter Bunny, please have these baskets delivered to Lynn before the deadline of Friday, April 16th as well.

The Easter Bunny Dock Hop schedule for stops will be:
  • Mobile Home Park and Apartments 9:00am until 9:20am
  • North Shoreline of West Leg 9:30am until 9:50am
  • West and East Shoreline of North Leg 10:00am until 10:30am
  • South Shoreline of Lake 10:30 until 11:00 am
All children (and adults, too!) are welcome.

Traffic Safety Concerns - South 198th St.

Residents along South 198th street neighborhood are expressing increased concerns regarding excessive, high speed traffic flows during morning and evening commuting hours. South 198th street has been a favorite “short cut” for commuters for years however this situation has been exacerbated due to recent intersection reconfigurations at 200th Street South and Military Road. Recent reconstruction efforts have eliminated the additional free right turn lane southbound onto 200th street and has resulted in increased queuing for southbound traffic on Military Road - further incenting commuters to take 198th South as a detour to avoid having to wait to make a right angle right turn at the intersection.

Perceptions of vehicles exceeding posted speed limits (on average over 35mph) and frequently failing to observe and obey the stop sign at the intersection of 35th and 198th street, pedestrian safety concerns have increased proportionate to the increased traffic volume. There are currently no sidewalks so persons with disabilities, seniors, children and parents with strollers and everyone in between are forced to travel the surface road, increasing the likelihood of pedestrian injury or fatality. 

Safe Streets Survey
A survey has been created with the purpose of collecting input from residents living on South 198th Street regarding traffic safety concerns.  Residents along this corridor are encouraged to complete this brief survey so that their response may be included in a submission to the SeaTac Neighborhood Sidewalk Advisory Committee and the Department of Civil Engineering requesting appropriate action be taken to address safety concerns.

The survey may be accessed by clicking this LINK.

Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program
Residential streets should feel safe, comfortable, and cared for. Residents may think of the street outside their home as an extension of their home or a neighborhood commons. Improvements should focus on slowing traffic and encourage residents to take pride and ownership of the streetscape outside their front door.

The Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program represents the commitment of the City of SeaTac to the safety and livability of residential neighborhoods. The program addresses neighborhood traffic safety concerns while enabling citizens and community groups to become involved with the improvement process. The Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program is a three phase program with each phase containing specific techniques for addressing traffic concerns in neighborhoods.
  • PHASE I or Neighborhood Enhancement Phase concentrates on less restrictive traffic operation improvements such as signing, select pavement markings, brush trims, and passive measures such as the enforcement of traffic laws. 
  • PHASE II or Physical Devices Phase focuses on physical traffic control devices placed in the roadway to control speed, reduce traffic volumes, or reduce accidents. The devices available are speed humps, traffic circles, curb extensions/chokers, and chicanes.
  • PHASE III or Major Projects - Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), or other special funding.

Please click this LINK for further details regarding the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program.