Fireworks Pledge Drive Update!

Hey everyone,

We wanted to give you a quick update on our community fireworks pledge drive! As of today, we've received a fantastic response with 49 residents participating. That includes 4 impressive pledges towards the $1,000 challenge!

Thanks to your generosity, we've raised a total of $15,250 in pledges, which puts us at 61% of our goal. We still need to raise $9,750 to reach our target and secure a dazzling firework display with Halo Fireworks, our preferred provider.

There's still time to join the fun! The pledge drive remains open until August 31st. Every contribution, big or small, gets us closer to a spectacular firework show for our community.

Here's how you can contribute:

  • Commit via email Send the word PLEDGE along with your name and amount to
  • Spread the word! Tell your friends and neighbors about the drive.
  • Consider a social media share! Help us reach our goal by sharing this update on your favorite platforms.

We'll send out another update on September 1st to announce whether we've reached our target and can move forward with Halo. Fingers crossed!

Thanks again for your amazing support!

ALSC Executive and Volunteer Board

Help Shape SeaTac's Transportation Future: Take the TMP Survey!

Have you ever felt stuck in traffic on International Blvd or struggled to find a safe place to walk your dog? If so, you're not alone. The City of SeaTac is currently updating its Transportation Master Plan (TMP), and they need your input!

What is the TMP?

The TMP is a roadmap for SeaTac's transportation system for the next 20 years. It will guide decisions about everything from road improvements to bike lanes to public transit.

Why should you care?

The way we get around our city impacts everyone. This survey is your chance to weigh in on what kind of transportation options you want to see in SeaTac. Whether you prioritize safety for pedestrians, reliable public transportation, or efficient car travel, your voice matters!

The survey is quick and easy to take – it only takes about 5 minutes! It's available in multiple languages, including English, Amharic, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Here's how to take the survey:

The deadline to take the survey is fast approaching, so don't delay! Let's work together to create a transportation system that works for everyone in SeaTac.

Spread the word! Share this post with your neighbors, friends, and family. The more people who participate, the better the TMP will reflect the needs of our community.

Together, we can shape a future where getting around SeaTac is safe, convenient, and accessible for all.


Attention Angle Lake Patriots!

We're thrilled to announce that there's strong support for a possible fireworks show in 2025! Thanks to your generosity, we've received responses from 27 households, with some exceeding the minimum $100 pledge. We've also gotten 3 out of 5 of the $1,000 challenges met!

This puts us at roughly 35% of our fundraising goal of $25,000. We're incredibly grateful for your commitment and excited about the possibility of lighting up the sky in 2025!

How can you help?

  • If you haven't already, please consider donating to the fireworks fund. Every contribution brings us closer to our goal!  Send an email to with the word PLEDGE in the subject line and indicate the pledge amount that you're committing to.
  • Spread the word to your neighbors and fellow Angle Lake Patriots. The more support we have, the better!

We'll continue to update you on our progress. Thank you again for your amazing support!
Together, we can make Angle Lake's 2025 fireworks show a reality!

P.S. Do you have any suggestions for the fireworks display? We'd love to hear your ideas! 

Shore Club Members! Don't Miss the Annual Tasty Tapas Event!

Calling all Shore Club Members! Mark your calendars and get ready to tantalize your taste buds at our annual Tasty Tapas event!

Indulge in a delightful evening of delectable tapas, delicious drinks, and fabulous company. It's the perfect opportunity to unwind, connect with fellow members, and savor a taste of culinary delights.

Tickets Available Now!

Don't miss out on this member-exclusive event! Secure your spot today by purchasing your tickets online through our convenient 
ALSC Store Front.

Get Your Tickets Now:

Limited availability, so don't delay!

We look forward to celebrating with you at the annual Tasty Tapas event! 

Help Keep the Spark Alive! Support Our Community 4th of July Fireworks!

Calling all Angle Lake patriots!

For many years, we've enjoyed a dazzling display of fireworks on the 4th of July, a cherished tradition that brings our community together. Unfortunately, this year, our private-public partnership with the city has ended.

To ensure this tradition continues, we need your help! We're aiming to raise a minimum of $25,000 to secure a spectacular fireworks display for our Independence Day celebration in 2025.

Here's where you come in! We're seeking pledges of support from at least 250 households willing to contribute a minimum of $100 each.

Important Note: Pledges will only be converted to actual donations once the minimum goal of $25,000 commitments is reached. There are no funds currently available to cover any potential shortfalls so please only pledge if you can commit making your indicated donation amount.

Why We Need Your Help

A magnificent fireworks display is a significant undertaking, requiring professional planning, licensing, and of course, the dazzling pyrotechnics themselves. Without the city's contribution, the financial responsibility falls entirely on our community.

How You Can Help

By committing to a $100 donation or more, you'll be directly contributing to a vibrant and unforgettable 4th of July celebration for our entire community. Imagine the joy on children's faces as they witness the dazzling display lighting up the night sky!

Let's work together to keep this tradition alive!

Here's what you can do:
  • Spread the Word! Share this message with your friends, neighbors, and family. The more support we have, the brighter our celebration will be!
  • Make Your Pledge Today! Simply email to confirm your commitment.
  • Stay Updated! We'll keep you informed on our progress towards reaching the $25,000 pledge goal.
Together, we can ensure that the spirit of Independence Day continues to shine brightly over the waters of Angle Lake in the City of SeaTac!

Angle Lake Lights Up! But is the Future Bright for Fireworks?

This year's 4th of July celebration at Angle Lake Park was a resounding success! We owe a huge thank you to the Angle Lake Shore Club for stepping in and sponsoring a dazzling firework display that capped off a day of family fun.

However, as we celebrate the vibrant display over the lake, a shadow of uncertainty hangs over our beloved fireworks tradition. As many of you know, the City Council supported a shift toward funding an Electronic Drone Show, ultimately eliminating funding for the traditional private-public fireworks display this year.

The Angle Lake Shore Club's last-minute sponsorship ensured a spectacular show, but the future remains unclear.  Can we rely on private sponsorships every year?

This is where we, the Angle Lake community, come in.

For generations, an All-American Traditional 4th of July fireworks have been a cornerstone of our lakeside celebrations. The dazzling lights reflected on the water, the shared "oohs" and "ahs" – these memories are woven into the fabric of our community spirit.

We urge you to join us in voicing your support for the continuation of this cherished American tradition.

Here are some ways you can help:

  • Contact the City Council: Let them know how much the fireworks mean to you and urge them to find a way to secure funding in the future.
  • Spread the Word: Talk to your neighbors, friends, and family about the importance of keeping the fireworks tradition alive. Consider making a pledge of financial support to ensure a display in 2025.
  • Join the Conversation: Attend community meetings and voice your support for future fireworks displays.

Together, we can ensure that the skies over Angle Lake continue to light up with joy, not just on the 4th of July, but for many years to come.

Comments for the Shore Club Executive Board may be sent to:

Angle Lake Fireworks: the End of an Era?

For as long as anyone on the lake can remember, Angle Lake has always had fireworks every 4th of July. This article delves into the rich history (albeit brief telling) of this community tradition, from its humble beginnings to a potential uncertain future. 

From Backyard Celebration to Community Spectacle

In the way early days, when there were few homes, consisting mostly of summer cabins, many around the lake would produce their own personal 4th of July fireworks displays. 

With the formation of the Shore Club in 1933, leaders from the organization would go door to door collecting donations for a common, community show. One founding member, the late Bud Jones, shared his recollection of the early days. On Independence Day, after gathering donations, he together with a couple neighbors and a gaggle of kids would load up in his pickup truck and head to the reservation to purchase as many firework products as the money collected would buy. They would then return to set off the fireworks in the evening – also recalling that the product had much shorter fuses than today and mildly complained of singed ankles! 

In later years, Jones explained that the State implemented legislation that required licensed pyrotechnicians to perform detonation of fireworks. Bud then decided he’d get a license… the problem was, he failed the test on several attempts. So, the year following the new ruling a pyrotechnic was hired to help produce the show – however, according to Jones, they sent a girl who didn’t have a clue what she was doing so he suggested that she step aside to supervise while he proceeded to set off the charges. 

Another long-term resident, Shirley Stevens (raised from a small child on the north end of Angle Lake), recalled that the community wanted to keep the fireworks show to themselves, keeping county and eventually city government out of it in fear that they would take over the display, reducing community pride in producing their own display. But over time as huge crowds continued to gather at the public park and the products and supporting vendor contracts became more expensive, it was decided that it was only fair for local government to start chipping in on a show that the public was benefiting from, as well. 

A Collaborative Effort

After much repeated wrangling the council at the time agreed to support the show with a nominal contribution of $2,500. This continued for several years until Lonnie Goulet took over as president. Always one to make improvements where opportunity exists, he was determined to make the show bigger and better, producing a larger show provided a much-improved visual experience for the thousands now gathering in the park. Year over year, Lonnie and others from the community delivered public comments to the council justifying an increased spend and each year were faced with resistance but where eventually granted more funds, ultimately reaching as high as $10,000 annual many years later. 

This continued well until such time that the show outgrew the capabilities of the single vendor able to provide a launch platform to produce displays from the center of the lake, ultimately it was decided that the contractor had to go and was fired as a result. The city then stepped in to host a show from the docks located at the public park. This filled the gap but was considered inadequate because the significant safety clearance area required a third of the park to be closed off from public access, which included the entire beach, and produced a much smaller display overall. 

The solution, Goulet suggested that the club members come together to pool private member donations to build their own platform. Local fire officials advised that 1,600 sq feet surface area would be necessary to launch from (which included an onboard manned boom shack for pyrotechnicians to operate from). The result is that club resources, with matching funds from 5 identified ‘owners’ would produce a total of seven 10’ by 24’ barges (240sqft valued at over $10,000 each) to operate as interconnecting platforms to meet the space requirements necessary. The club completed this task in just over a years’ time. 

Once complete, the city agreed to return the show to a center lake location, allowing for a display nearly three times as large as the dockside show and allowing the park, in its entirety, to reopen to public access. This worked well… until Covid hit. 

The plan before Covid was to produce a never-before-seen display on Angle Lake to celebrate the thirtieth-year anniversary of the city’s incorporation. With remote firing capabilities, the idea was to launch from 3 individual locations around the lake – North Leg firing smaller 3” shells and cakes, Center Lake consisting of our typical 6” shells and cakes, whereas the Western Leg would fire 8” shells. With the pandemic shut down, the city celebration passed without fanfare, but when the fireworks returned in 2022, the club set forth with the plan – the city providing almost 2/3 funding with the club supplying the rest including in-kind material use and labor to produce the show. This resulted in an amazing experience for all who witnessed it.

An Unforeseen Turn of Events

Fast forward to 2024. As a result of a single resident sighting a complaint against the annual outboard motor boat and hydroplane races, referring to a 1930’s supreme court ruling which stated ‘a single resident/property owner could not restrict or incumber another owners use of their property’ – at the time of the early 20th century ruling it was considered that Angle Lake was non-navigable waters and therefore, the adjacent property owners had rights beyond the high water mark and out to the center of the lake. The claim then was that restricted use of the surface waters to support the boat races prohibited property owners’ rights. The city interpreted this as a risk and as a result not only determined that park use supporting boat racing would be denied, but also that Fireworks, Open Water Swim Races, Organized Sailboat Races and any other activities requiring a restricted course or area would also be unsupported. 

The complainant’s intent was to shut down the annual boat racing event, but the unintended consequences impacted the fireworks, as well. The city would not risk any potential lawsuit brought forth due to supporting a restricted surface lake use in any way and determined that an Electronic Lighted Drone Show would be a better solution. This display is said to not require restricting lake surface use and impacts a much smaller portion of the public park area than a firework display from the docks requires. 

The Future: Uncertain But Not Hopeless

To Lonnie Goulet’s credit an account consisting of excess fireworks donations over the years were accumulated into a reserve fund in anticipation of a day when the city would pull out of the standing public-private partnership. That day has come. 

As a result of the city’s decision to pull out and produce their own drone show, the Shore Club Executive Board and Volunteers determined that a ‘final show’ would be produced in 2024 using the targeted fireworks reserve funds. A single combined platform will again be positioned at the center of the lake (elbow) for all to see.

Is this the final show? A few major challenges exist for producing future fireworks displays. One challenge is the eventual loss of the Angle Lake RV Park property use for load in and staging operations and the other is that our current vendor has stated that it requires no less than a $25,000 contract to produce a display – and this minimum is expected to rise year over year as inflation continues. Unless additional funding sources can be secured (City Partnership, Title Sponsorship) $25k is a lot for one neighborhood to come up with each year. 

The future of Angle Lake's fireworks is uncertain, but the community's spirit and history of innovation offer hope. Can the tradition continue? Only time will tell.  

Attention Angle Lake Residents! Get Ready for 4th of July Fun!

The Angle Lake Shore Club is thrilled to announce our 4th of July schedule of activities and locations. Get ready for a day packed with events for the whole family, all happening right here on beautiful Angle Lake.

We are also thrilled to announce that the Shore Club Members will host this year’s phenomenal fireworks display immediately following the City of SeaTac lighted drone show.

4th of July Festivities: Celebrate Independence Day lakeside with the community parade, races around the lake, and a dazzling fireworks display!

  • Bud Jones Memorial Race ‘round the Lake and Family Fun Walk 
  • Angle Lake Manor Community Parade
  • Standup Paddleboard Poker  
  • Water Sports Races
  • Evening Festive Boats Parade
  • Lighted Drone Show and Fireworks Display

Plus, don't forget to save the date for:

Saturday, August 10th: It's the Annual Tasty Tapas event! Embark on a unique roving dinner party by boat around the lake. Savor delicious tapas and enjoy the company of fellow Angle Lake residents. 
(Tickets on sale now!)

It's Here! The New ALSC Store Front is Open!

Hey everyone,
We're bursting with excitement to finally announce the launch of our brand new ALSC Store Front!

This has been a long-awaited project, and we're thrilled to finally offer a one-stop shop for all your ALSC needs. Whether you're a dedicated member looking to renew or simply a Shore Club enthusiast who wants to show off your support, the store has merchandise to offer!

Here's what you can find at the new ALSC Store Front:

  • Membership Renewals: Renewing your ALSC membership is now easier than ever! Simply head over to the store and take care of it in a few clicks. Your continued support is vital to our mission of providing unique family friendly social events in effort to build a stronger community.

  • ALSC Merchandise: We've got some select of ALSC branded merchandise options, perfect for showing your Shore Club pride. Initially offering t-shirts and flags and adding additional items in the future.
Head over to the ALSC Store Front today! Using the QR Code above or by clicking on the following link:

PS Spread the word! Share this exciting news with your friends and neighbors.

The ALSC Newsletter Arrives with a Splash!

Calling all Shore Club enthusiasts! Buckle up because we've got a newsletter chock-full of exciting news that's sure to make waves!

Inside this issue: 

A Message from the President: Embracing Change and Looking Forward

In this issue, we're honored to feature a special message from our esteemed president, John Bennett. Get ready for some insightful words about embracing positive change within our traditions, ensuring we stay on the cutting edge while cherishing our legacy.

Spotlight on Our Superstars: Recognizing Remarkable Volunteers

Our incredible volunteers are the heart and soul of the Angle Lake Shore Club, and we're dedicating a section to celebrating their tireless efforts! We'll be shining a light on some of their most impactful contributions and expressing our deepest gratitude for their unwavering dedication.

A Look Back, a Leap Forward: Recap of Past Events and the Road Ahead

Get ready for a whirlwind tour of all the amazing events that made this past season unforgettable! We'll be reminiscing about the highlights, the laughter, and the memories we created together. But fret not, this is just the beginning! We'll also be offering a sneak peek at what exciting events await us on the horizon.

Don't Miss Out! 

This newsletter is just a small sampling of the exciting treasure trove of information, inspiration, and a whole lot of fun! Don't wait – head over to our blogsite and subscribe today! We promise you won't regret it.

Double the Dazzle! Fireworks & Drone Show Light Up Angle Lake

Dear Neighbors and Shore Club Members, 

Mark your calendars!  The Angle Lake Shore Club is thrilled to announce our annual fireworks spectacular on July 4th 2024!  This year, we’re coordinating with the City and throwing an extra exciting event filled with pixelated drones and fireworks.  

The evening’s festivities will kick off with a dazzling drone show, choreographed to music and presented by City of SeaTac Parks & Recreation Department, followed by the fireworks grand finale, hosted by ALSC.  

At 9:45pm, set your eyes toward the west end of the lake for the drone show and look east toward the ALSC fireworks display at approximately 10:10pm.  

This will be an unforgettable event and the first of its kind for our city! Start planning your 4th of July parties at Angle Lake and enjoy this very special evening with family and friends.   

Everyone is welcome! 

This event wouldn't be possible without the tireless efforts of the Angle Lake Shore Club Board, financial support from our ALSC members, and coordination with our City officials. 

Join us as we celebrate Independence Day 2024 - See you there! 

John Bennett
Angle Lake Shore Club

Dim the Lights and Help the Bats: Why Your Outdoor Lighting Matters

Evenings are a beautiful time to relax on the patio or enjoy a cup of coffee on your porch. But the bright lights we use for security and ambiance can have unintended consequences for our nocturnal neighbors – bats.

Bats are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem. They're incredible insectivores, consuming vast quantities of mosquitoes, moths, and other flying insects that can be bothersome or even harmful to humans.

Unfortunately, the bright lights we use around our homes can disrupt bat activity in several ways:

  • Disrupted Night Vision:  Unlike the image of a blind bat, most bat species have good eyesight, but it's adapted for low-light conditions. Bright lights can be disorienting and make it difficult for them to navigate and hunt effectively.
  • Delayed Emergent Time: Bats are most active at night, emerging from their roosts to feed after dusk.  Bright lights near roosting areas can delay their emergence, reducing their foraging time.
  • Habitat Abandonment: In extreme cases, persistent bright lights can make an entire area unusable for bats. They may abandon roosts altogether, seeking darker areas for raising their young and resting.

Simple Solutions for a Bat-Friendly Environment 
There are some easy steps you can take to minimize the impact of your outdoor lighting on bats:

  • Use Motion-Sensor Lights:  These lights only turn on when they detect movement, providing security while minimizing unnecessary light pollution.
  • Shield Your Lights:  Choose fixtures that cast light downwards, preventing it from spilling out into the surrounding environment.
  • Use Warmer Light Bulbs:  Cooler, blue-toned lights are more disruptive to wildlife. Opt for bulbs with a warmer color temperature, like yellow or orange.
  • Reduce Light Intensity:  Consider using lower wattage bulbs or dimming existing lights where possible.

By making small changes to your outdoor lighting, you can create a more bat-friendly habitat. Remember, a healthy bat population helps control insect pests and contributes to a balanced ecosystem in your backyard.

Together, we can help bats continue their valuable work while still enjoying the beauty of our outdoor spaces at night!

SeaTac Prepares for Additional TOD Projects Around Angle Lake Station

Over a decade ago, the City of SeaTac set the wheels in motion for transit-oriented development (TOD) in the Angle Lake Station area, aiming to leverage the existing light rail station and major commercial road [1]. This prime location is ideal for high-density housing projects.

One specific area poised for transformation is the former "The Firs" mobile home park, situated directly south of the Angle Lake Station on International Boulevard, next to the International House of Pancakes (IHOP).

Plans surfaced last fall proposing a mixed-use development on this vacant land at 20446 International Blvd. This proposal hinges on a zoning change from the city, which recently issued a determination of non-significance under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA).

Local hospitality investors own the roughly 6.5-acre, L-shaped property. UIL Architects, on their behalf, formulated a plan to section the property into new development parcels on the northeast and west sides.

The northeast portion, facing South 204th Street, could potentially house a seven-story apartment building with 85 units and a parking structure with 157 stalls.

Meanwhile, the western section on International Boulevard could see the construction of a seven-story, 160-room hotel with a surface parking lot offering 234 spaces.

Nestled within the former Firs property, behind the IHOP and Sleep Inn, lies a separate vacant lot at 20406 International Blvd. This nearly 2-acre property is under separate ownership by DevCo and Heartland Construction. While a seven-story, 155-unit apartment building was once envisioned for this space, Peak Commercial Partners recently listed it for sale at $5 million.

With the zoning change seemingly on the horizon, the possibility exists that the owners of The Firs may put their northeast parcel on the market. This could pave the way for a single developer to undertake both apartment projects concurrently. 

Source: 2013 Commissioned Study for recommended TOD planning.

Good Things Come To Those Who Bait!

Howdy, neighbors! Sharpen your hooks and dust off your tackle boxes because Saturday, May 4th is the day for our community BBQ and fishing extravaganza you won't want to miss!

Here's the scoop:

  • Date: Saturday, May 4th
  • Time: 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Get that sunrise start!)
  • Location: Angle Lake Manor Beach Lot on 3417 S. 194th St. 

Reel in the Fun:

  • Fishing Rivalry: Test your skills to see who catches the longest fish! Prizes will be awarded in several age-related categories. (Must present a valid fishing license when measuring)
  • Delicious BBQ: All you can eat BBQ lunch is included with your ticket purchase. Come hungry!
  • Raffle Extravaganza: Every ticket holder is automatically entered into a drawing for fantastic raffle prizes!


Join the Fun!

This is a fantastic opportunity to spend a morning outdoors with your neighbors, enjoy some delicious food, and maybe even win a prize, too. It's the perfect event for the whole family!

Spread the Word!

Let your fellow fishing fanatics and BBQ enthusiasts know! Share this post and help us make this event a splashing success!

Gear Up for Some Serious G-Forces and Good Times

UPDATE: City officials have announced that they have been unable to locate any property owners who could produce a deed of title proving their frontage lot lines extend below the high water mark. Therefore, it is confirmed that the lakebed and waters up to the high water mark are recognized as public waters held in trust by the State of Washington. Consequently, the earlier decision to deny the park permit for race operations to the Seattle Outboard Association has been rescinded, and a weekend conditional use permit will be granted, as was previously allowed.

Attention all thrill seekers and aviation enthusiasts! Mark your calendars! The iconic U.S. Navy Blue Angels together with the amazing Airforce Thunderbirds with be tearing up the skies over Angle Lake during the heart pounding Frank Hansen Memorial Regatta Hydroplane races hosted by Seattle Outboard Association. Mark your calendars for September 7th and 8th for this high-octane spectacle that combines the roar of the hydroplanes with the awe-inspiring precision of the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds!

That's right, get ready for a weekend of double the excitement as the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds perform their awe-inspiring low ceiling aerial maneuvers alongside the high-speed spectacle of the j-series hydroplane races. And the fun doesn't stop there! Seafair is returning as a prime sponsor of the weekend event and will be bringing back all your favorite elements.

Mingle with the wacky and wonderful Seafair Clowns who’ll be spreading smiles throughout the event, grab a bite from a variety of delicious food trucks, and enjoy a soundtrack of all-day live music on stage to keep the energy pumping. And on Saturday Night, the Shore Club will be producing a most amazing fireworks display launched from three separate locations on the lake, fired in unison for a pyrotechnic show not seen since Independence Day 2022.

Whether you're a die-hard hydroplane fan or simply looking for an unforgettable family outing, it's a weekend for the whole family and one that you won’t want to miss. So mark your calendars now for your chance to witness the magic of this Seafair Community Event! 

(Post Script: This article is an April Fools Joke)

Additional Comment from the Author: While the above post was created in the spirit of tricking the reader with fake news on April Fools Day, except for the Blue Angles and Thunderbirds flying overhead, imagine what a marquee event this could have eventually evolved into for the City of SeaTac and the region had it not been for a few selfish, short-sighted malcontents who opposed the idea. 

Replace the air show with Touch a Truck to bring more families to the park, increase the variety of food trucks, add all day music, and offer bouncy houses and games to keep families at the park throughout the day and what could have been created is a world class event offered to the residents of SeaTac and our neighbors throughout the South Sound area. But alas, it is now all for not. The Will of the select few has won out.

The comments above are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Angle Lake Shore Club Board or it's members. Click the following link to revisit our past April Fools Posts:

An Angle Lake Resident Requests Your Support

The following letter was written by an Angle Lake resident and Shore Club member and requested that it be posted on our ALSC blog site. Any comments or questions relating to this article may be sent to and shall be forwarded to Josh. 

My name is Josh Sweet and I have the privilege of being an Angle Lake resident, my family and I call the city of SeaTac home.

Many in our community may already be aware, the 4th of July fireworks celebration on Angle Lake is in jeopardy.  This week the SeaTac Blog published an online article noting that a complaint was filed with the city, specifically regarding the annual hydroplane races.  Unfortunately, the city’s legal interpretation of the referenced court ruling is being applied broadly due to fear of potential litigation and the fireworks show became collateral damage.

SeaTac Parks and Recreation is moving forward with $40,000 in funding to provide an aerial drone show in lieu of the long-standing tradition of supporting the fireworks display, which is also funded jointly by donations from the Angle Lake community.

The annual fireworks display, and 4th of July celebration is a mainstay of summer in SeaTac, drawing over 8,000 attendees in 2023, this event was a key factor in my family choosing to live on Angle Lake. In speaking with my neighbors who have been residents on and around Angle Lake since the 1950’s, they don’t recall a time in which 4th of July didn’t include a fireworks celebration apart from 2020/2021 due to Covid restrictions, it would be such a shame to see the celebration be diminished and fizzle out.

This event brings family, friends, and our broader community together and my ask to everyone is to sign and share our online petition; let’s come together and let the City of SeaTac know that we want the tradition of 4th of July fireworks on Angle Lake preserved and we are counting on the city’s sustaining contribution.

With thanks,

Josh Sweet
Angle Lake neighbor


The content in this guest post does not necessarily reflect the views of the Shore Club Board or it's many members. 

City of SeaTac Cancels Fireworks Show Following Resident Complaint

This year's Fourth of July celebration in SeaTac will see a change in the traditional fireworks display. Following a recent resident complaint, the city has opted to forgo the usual fireworks show.

However, all is not lost for those hoping for a dazzling display! According to South King Media, the City is exploring the possibility of a lighted aerial drone show staged off the beach of Angle Lake Park.

While a city-sponsored fireworks display is off the table, the Angle Lake Shore Club is exploring options to host their own independent show this year. A decision on their plans won't be finalized for at least a month or longer.

We understand this news may come as a disappointment to some. The Fourth of July fireworks are a beloved tradition for many in our community.

Stay tuned for further updates! We'll keep you informed about the possibility of an independent fireworks display produced by the Shore Club or any alternative plans announced by the City.

Read the report produced by Scott Schaefer and published in the “SeaTac Blog” 

Get Out on the Water!

Is lake life that much different aboard a boat? 

You Can That Bet it Is!

Up for grabs is a fantastic 12-foot pontoon boat that comfortably seats up to 6 people. Perfect for a day cruising around the lake with friends and family.

This versatile boat features both a gas-powered outboard motor for when you need to get up and go, and an electric trolling motor for quieter, stealthy fishing trips.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to make the most of your lake life!

Asking price: $3,000
Call Richie Damian: 510-677-9883

Act fast, this won't last! 

15 Years (and Now Looking for Fresh Faces!)

Can you believe it? It's true! The Angle Lake Shore Club Blog is celebrating its 15th anniversary at the end of this year! I’m incredibly proud of this milestone, and it wouldn't have been possible without the dedication of our amazing volunteer Board of Directors and the members of this incredible community who have contributed toward making this platform what it is today.

A Huge Thank You!

Over the years, I have worn many hats – writer, editor, social media wrangler, graphic designer – you name it! This ‘job’ has presented me with a diverse range of perspectives trying to keep our content fresh, and helping to connect with a wider audience. I am grateful to have been honored with your trust.

A Time for Change

As with all things in life, sometimes change is necessary. I am now interested in moving on to new adventures and I’m seeking for some fresh faces with a sharp mind, endless energy, and community centered interest to join our team!

Are You the Missing Piece?

If you're passionate about our club and the community you reside in, have a knack for writing, enjoy flexing your creative muscles, and want to be part of a dynamic online community, then we want to hear from you!

What We're Looking For:

  • Writers: We need talented storytellers who can craft engaging articles, interviews, or reviews relevant to our audience.
  • Editors: A keen eye for detail and a love for language are a must for our editing team.
  • Social Media Mavens: Can you craft captivating posts and keep our audience engaged? We need your social media magic!
  • Design Enthusiasts: Do you have a knack for creating eye-catching visuals? We'd love to have you on board!

This is your chance to:

  • Make a real difference in the online community
  • Develop your skills and gain valuable experience
  • Be part of a collaborative and supportive team

Ready to Join the Fun?

Send an email to expressing your interest in learning more about the specific volunteer opportunities we have available. We can't wait to hear from you!

Here's to 15 years, and a hope for many more to come!

With gratitude,
Clyde “Fuzz” Hill 

Polar Plunge Extraordinare 2024

Have you avoided the Polar Plunge every New Year thinking it is cold? 

Au contraire! Wait until you view the masterfully crafted event video produced by Manor Club resident Valerie Vavrik. Your opinion may be transformed by the warmth of the day. You may even be moved to join us next year for at least the brunch on the beach and fabulous prizes, if not an invigorating plunge.

Seriously, get a cup of tea and sit down for 16 minutes to watch the moving movie, linked below. It captures not only the day, but the togetherness and joy that is evident in every moment. The music is fantastic and the smiles on faces of everyone shows that being there was the very best place you could be to start a new year. 

I wish we could give Val a Golden Globe-like award for her talent and long hours put into this video. Maybe we can make up a Frozen Globe! In lieu of a trophy this year, we can certainly show our appreciation of her effort by posting enthusiastic comments on the Angle Lake Manor Facebook Page (an exclusive, closed group with private membership) where you can also view the full video. If you live in the Manor, please LIKE the Angle Lake Facebook Page (an inclusive, open page for all) so that we can keep you up on current events. 

For those not in the Manor Club you can view all the day’s photos and this video on the ALM website. 

Or another option is this link to the YouTube version:

Unlock a Year of Fun with Your Angle Lake Shore Club Membership!

Dive into a year of fun and friendship! 

Renew your Angle Lake Shore Club membership today and unlock exclusive access to our exciting calendar of events, from the annual Fishing Derby, BBQ and Raffle to a full day of independence day list of activities to our fan favorite Tasty Tapas Float About, and more! Enjoy all the perks of our community at just $20 for families and $10 for individuals

Secure your spot for the year's festivities by sending a completed MEMBERSHIP FORM along with check to PO Box 69477, Seatac, 98168, or renew effortlessly via PayPal by selecting the "Add to Cart" button located on our blogsite home page. 

We can't wait to greet you at one or more of our events!

Get Your Island Groove On! Experience the Vibrant Spirit of Trinidad & Tobago at The Roadhouse

Prepare to be transported to the sun-kissed shores of the Caribbean! The Roadhouse invites you to an unforgettable event celebrating the rich culture and infectious energy of Trinidad & Tobago. Experience a sensory explosion of music, food, and conversation.

Date: Thursday, January 11
Time: 6 – 8 PM, Pacific Standard Time
Where: Angle Lake Light Rail Station

Immerse Yourself in the Rhythm:

  • Pulse to the Live Steel Pan: The PLU Alumni Band will captivate your senses with their vibrant performance, painting the air with the hypnotic sounds of the iconic steel pan. Feel the rhythmic pulse of the islands echo through your soul.
  • Dive into the Story: Join an exclusive interview with Anthony Cole and Musy Da Don, two leading figures in the tapestry of Trinidadian music. Gain fascinating insights into the island's musical heritage and discover the stories behind the beats.
  • Taste the Paradise: Savor the authentic flavors of Trinidad & Tobago as you indulge in a specially curated menu. Each bite will transport you to bustling street markets and sunny beaches, bursting with the essence of the Caribbean.
  • Dance Your Heart Out: The night continues with live soca and calypso music, guaranteed to ignite your spirit. Unwind, move your feet, and embrace the infectious energy that defines the Caribbean rhythm.

Meet the Cultural Ambassador:

This extraordinary event is spearheaded by Renaldo Valentine, a Trinidadian Navy veteran and embodiment of the island's vibrant spirit. Renaldo's life is a testament to the unifying power of music and culture, as he tirelessly shares his passion with the world. Come together and celebrate the richness of Trinidad & Tobago through Renaldo's infectious enthusiasm.

Don't miss this chance to experience the pulsating heart of the Caribbean! Join us at The Roadhouse and lose yourself in the captivating celebration of music, food, and culture.

You must preregister at the following site to attend this event: 

Cheering for the Home Team!

Is your college alma mater lost in the gridiron wilderness? Are your Saturday afternoons a desolate wasteland of reruns and existential dread? Do you find yourself staring glumly at the ceiling, humming your fight song in a minor key?

Well fear not, brave alumni and/or fan! For even in the darkest athletic hour, there's one beacon of hope, one shining symbol of pride that transcends mere touchdowns and field goals!

That's right, friends! While those fancy-pants schools duke it out for a plastic trophy, you and I stand united, amongst the vibrant tapestry of Shore Club spirit! We may not be on the field, but we're on every neighboring street corner, on every park bench, proudly showing off our ALSC colors!

Show your colors, Shore Club nation! Purchase ALSC T-shirts and Flags, wear them with pride, fly your flags like pirate banners! As a result, you may even become inspired to bake Angle Lake-shaped cookies, write sonnets to our glorious waters, heck, you might even tattoo the logo on your forehead if you really want to go wild! (Disclaimer: Tattooing not recommended, unless you're really, really committed.)

Remember, this College Bowl Weekend, it's not about who's playing on the field, it's about who's cheering the loudest from the sidelines! So, purchase your gear, crank up the party music, and let's paint the town Shore Club blue and white! Because in the grand game of community spirit, we're all winners!

Purchase your ALSC T-Shirt and/or Flag while supplies last!