Normally I try not to take a 'too critical' position on things and look for the positive in most everything but once in awhile you run into a real stinker that calls for comment. I feel this last Sunday's music performance by Cold Boots and Bad Coffee did not achieve the high quality entertainment expectations that the three previous Sunday performers had achieved.
Locals observing a performance by Cold Boots and Bad Coffee
I will mention that the band did a masterful job playing their instruments. However, they'd do themselves a favor by signing better vocalists or they could evolved into a very good country western instrumental only band.
With that performance now behind us and my being the eternal optimist that I perfer to be, I am confident that this Sunday's performance by Rod Cook will be wonderful! How can I be so confident? Admittedly, I have never heard Rod Cook before but I'm betting that he can't be any worst than the performance I endured on stage last Sunday.
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We live right accross the lake from the park and have to agree that BAD BOOTS AND COLD COFFEE sounded pretty bad. From what we heard we thought they were signing Hawaiian songs but all were sleepers. Definately not one of the better groups. And from the looks on the faces of those attendees, it was quite painful up close and personal.
So from what we heard the band tonight was much improved over last weeks train wreck. Did you make it out to hear them? Looked like a pretty sparse crowd over there even though the weather did improve.
I am surprised at the very low number attending the performances to date - I personally would hate to see this series end due to lack of interest...
If have attended any of the performances - please voice your opinion? Else, if you have not attended, please offer a reason or reasons why?
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