Image Obtained from the SMP Book of Maps
Back in January 2008, the City of SeaTac began the process of updating its Shoreline Master Program as required by State law. Since this beginning the City has supported this effort by having formed a Citizen's Advisory Committee which had met twice per month from November 2008 to May 2009. The Committee recommendations have been incorporated into the draft SMP document and regulations. In addition to the Citizen's Action Committee recommendations, supplement material has been gathered via regular updates through the Land Use and Parks Committee, two public open houses, review by the Planning Commission over a two and a half month period, and culminating with a briefing before the City Council.
A vote by the council members for the adoption of the Draft Shoreline Master Program was expected at the last Regular Council Meeting held Tuesday, January 12th. During the meeting Public Comment was delivered and response was provided by staff correcting misinformation about property owners not being able to weed their beaches. After some additional discussion between council members concerning the recommended 65’ set back, a motion for a delayed vote was observed. The council is expected to come together in a subsequent session on January 26th to review modifications to the SMP and action is expected to be taken at that time.
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