Angle Lake Is Once Again Safe!

Thanks to the efforts of one (1) concerned citizen the
Angle Lake Community is deemed SAFE again. 

After contacting Seatac Police; the State Gaming Commission and the Liquor Control Board, a self appointed anonymous public servant was successful in creating a slight disruption in plans for the Angle Lake Shore Club Classic Horse N Around Race. Contrary to what the board interpreted as acceptable gaming, the type of wagering planned was eventually determined to be valid only on Washington State Golf Courses and has now been confirmed as non-compliant with state gaming restrictions - (editorial opinion: Golfers must have better lobbyist than lake shore residents!). Therefore, the planned PARA-MUTUAL wagering system will no longer be included in this event.  We will however maintain an atmosphere of competitive betting by employing ‘monopoly’ money where all spectators will be provided an equal amount of ‘play’ currency so that spectators may still bet however they desire among the favored teams.  Instead of cash payouts, we will be awarding a very nice prize to the person who at the end of the race manages to accumulate the most currency from the original amount of ‘play’ money issued. We apologize for any disappointment these changes may cause for people who were looking forward to the wagering part of this event.

In a statement received by ALSC President Lonnie Goulett, he confirms "there is never an intent of the ALSC to organize any event that is illegal or is offensive to our members. It is our hope that in the future, if an event is considered offensive, inappropriate or questionable by anyone in our community, that the offended individual(s) approach the ALSC board first with their concerns so that we may have an opportunity to resolve said concerns - rather than the individual discretely register complaints with the authorities at the last minute. The ALSC Board is first and foremost concerned about maintaining the integrity and sense of community, probably more so than your local civil servants will be. Please bare in mind that the board are elected representatives of YOUR Shore Club, consisting of residents that voluntarily work very hard to keep our social club fresh and fun and encourage other residents to become more involved with your Shore Club to help us keep improving our events."

Even with these minor changes, it is evident that there will still be plenty of fun and entertainment offered. We hope that you can come join us for a day at the 'Races' this Saturday.


Anonymous said...

The only reason why the state has a concern over our operation was because we are not part of a union, if we were part of a organized union then we would have to pay monthly dues, and that would then allow our shop stewart to lobby our local politians into changing our laws to allow us to have the same benifits as other union members so long as we voted for the politians that changed the laws for us, if we could keep these politians in office long enough then we could start a retirement fund and then switch our union from a private union to a public union, then could retire at a public union scale and then subcontract ourselves to the state and go around find more bad people like the ALSC people and threaten them into a union and let them start the process all over again, all this time being protected by the politians that our public unions keep voting into office, . . . so long as they keep getting voted into office, . . . . so long as they keep getting voted into office . . . . . . .One big circle jerk that tries to distroy a cohesive community, the good news . . . It won't happen . . .see you all on Saturday . . .

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing at the thought of this so called "concerned" citizen and how great they must feel about saving Angle Lake from the evils of out corrupt activities. Wow. We ought to get this so called "concerned" citizen to focus on the other issues around the lake like the drugs being sold out of the garage on Military. Now that is something to call the City of SeaTac about!

TaniRae said...

Thanks guys for maintaining your sense of humor and reminding us that we are fortunate to have a board that volunteers to help us create a sense of community (with monopoly $ or real $).

I've lived where neighbors ignored each other and it is sad. We are blessed to live here and may live longer because of it. According to the book the Blue Zones, you live longer when connected to community.

Michael Nguyen said...

I'm a bit late to the "party" here but glad to hear the event was a success!

Michael Nguyen