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As reported in the prior blog post, a total of 30 signed petitions were turned in on the night of the Comprehensive Plan Open House which indicated the signees were in favor of the proposed Map Amendment #4 changes from Medium Density Residential to Industrial. Reclassifying this parcel to Industrial will provide the property owner, Mr. Lindstrom, the opportunity to proceed ahead with his plan of locating a towing yard operation on the undeveloped portion of 19740 Military Road So.
An online petition drive opposing the changes proposed in the Comprehensive Plan – Map Amendment #4 has been created by a band of local citizens referring to the group as “Neighbors for a Better Environment”. The group encourages all impacted residents who oppose the rezoning of this parcel to Industrial to sign the petition online at: www.thepetitionsite.com/1/MapAmendment4/.
All signed petitions will be compiled and delivered to City officials prior to the November 23rd Regular Council Meeting where a final decision is expected if approval will be granted for this proposed amendment.
I stopped by City Hall on Wednesday, Nov 3rd to meet with Interim Planning Director Cindy Baker and City Planner Mike Scarey to get an update on the recommendations delivered to the council the previous night. My understanding is that the planning commission recommended a change to industrial ONLY if it included several conditions (restrictions) else the recommendation was to have Mr. Lindstrom come back again next year with another proposed use that doesn't include a tow yard operation.
The City Council will be reviewing the recommendations on Tuesday November 9th and making a final determination on November 23rd.
Feedback I have received from one council member is that comment delivered in person at the beginning of the council meeting carries more weight than sending a letter. The turn out of 27 concerned citizens against this proposal has certainly helped convey the significance of concern and opposition to the current proposed land use.
I urge you to encourage your neighbors in joining you to deliver your comment of opposition prior to the meeting on the 9th. If the previous speaker or two has already stated your opinions, simply identify yourself, provide your address and state that you are in agreement with the previous comments and that you oppose this amendment.
THANK YOU for taking the time necessary to help preserve the quality of our neighborhood.
We will be there again on Nov 9th. We are definitely AGAINST rezoning this parcel of land from Medium Density Residential to anything! It is properly zoned as it is.
We MUST join together to regain the property values we've all lost due to the economy. Rezoning this particular parcel is counter-productive. Let's make a difference.
Eddie & Maudette Richards (Post 31)
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