Dive into the New Year and Warm Hearts at the 15th Annual Polar Bear Plunge!

It's that time of year again - the holidays are over, the carols fade, and the crisp winter air calls for... a freezing plunge into Angle Lake?

That's right! Brace yourself for the 15th Annual Polar Bear Plunge on January 1st, 2024! This isn't just your average icy dip; it's a community celebration, a charity drive, and a chance to win some awesome prizes, all rolled into one unforgettable experience.

Date: January 1st, 2024
Time: 11am to 1pm
Location: Angle Lake Manor Beach, 3417 S. 194th

Why the Freeze?

Beyond the exhilarating shock of icy water, this plunge stands for something bigger. It's about unity. After a season of individual festivities, it's time to come together, laugh, scream (maybe both!), and ring in the New Year as a community.

But it's also about giving back. This year, we're teaming up with representative from the Tyee Alumni Group to replenish the student/family food bank. Bring a cash donation, some non-perishable food items, or both – every bit helps!

Prizes, Glorious Prizes!

Think conquering a freezing lake isn't enough reward? Think again! The more you participate, the more chances you have to win fantastic prizes:

  • Just for showing up to watch and enjoy brunch on the beach: One raffle ticket – welcome aboard, brave soul!
  • Any food or dollar donation: One ticket per – generosity gets rewarded!
  • Costumed attendee, even if you don't plunge: Another ticket – this is your chance to unleash your inner polar bear (or mermaid, or yeti – we don't judge)! 
  • The ultimate plunge: One final ticket – conquer the lake and conquer the raffle!
  • We'll also be awarding a prize for the best overall costume.
Remember, even though a lucky few might snag multiple prizes, each person can walk away with only one.

Join the Fun! 

So grab your swimsuit (this is not a polar bare plunge, for goodness sake!), your warmest towel, and a generous spirit. Dive into the New Year, support a worthy cause, and maybe win a prize or two. At the Angle Lake Polar Bear Plunge, the only thing colder than the water will be your doubts!

#PolarBearPlunge #AngleLake #CommunityStrong #NewYearNewStart 


Anonymous said...

Is this event open to the public?

Angle Lake Shore Club Blog said...

While this is a PRIVATE BEACH LOT, this particular event is open to the public.