There's an App for That!

Use “Click N Request” to identify and report non-emergency civic issues, such as public works, quality of life, graffiti removal and other environmental issues.

See a street light out?  Find a pothole? Have a environmental question for the City? Who do you call? For all of your non-emergency needs, you can make requests online, 24/7 x 365 days a year, from anywhere you can access the internet.

The service is called 'ClickNRequest' and is available through contract with a company called CitySourced, provider of a real time mobile civic engagement platform. CitySourced provides a simple and intuitive platform empowering residents to identify civic issues and report them to city hall for quick resolution resulting in a positive, collaborative platform for real action. 

The service is designed to route your request directly to a ClickNRequest administrator, who will review your request and determine the best department to respond to it. A responsible department representative will be assigned to process your request, investigate the situation, if necessary, and dispatch the correct personnel to complete the requested action.  

Once each request has been completed, it remains a part of our ClickNRequest database, which allows the City to track all requests and make sure they are responded to quickly, and helps department managers track growing trends in different locations around the City.

The reporting service is accessible via two platforms:

With the use of this application in collaboration with concerned citizens and their interest to work together to promptly report issues, we can all help to make this area a more livable space in which to live in.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sent in 2 reports and both were closed and nothing was done