Kick Off Planning for 2011

Your volunteer board members of the Angle Lake Shore Club will be gathering this Wednesday, February 16th to kick off event planning for 2011. The team will be meeting to establish the dates for our regular annual activities and to start discussing the possibility of adding maybe one or two more organized events.

Before we begin, we’d like to ask you – our members – for your feedback. If you’ve attended any of the events we’d like to hear about your experience; if you have recommendations for improvements we’d like to hear about that; if you have any suggestions for additional events and/or activities to consider please use the comments option below this post or email the blog team at

Some additional ideas for consideration that do not necessarily need board involvement but only requires a resident to lead the effort from your immediate neighborhood are:  
  • Improving Community Safety by forming a Block Watch. Become better acquainted with your neighbors by creating a neighborhood directory containing contact information.  Host a quarterly meeting to come together to discuss current concerns.  Invite local law enforcement to offer suggestions and assistance in forming and strengthening your block watch.
  • Clean Sweep.  Whether it’s a result of inconsiderate pedestrians and/or motorists discarding trash in a high traffic area, or created from an excessive wind on trash collection day – litter is an unpleasant situation that will not go away unless someone takes the necessary action to clean it up. Take an assessment of your area to determine if it is littered with trash and consider teaming up with your neighbors to make light the work.
The preceding ideas are not only opportunities to improve the quality of life in your neighborhood but also opportunities to become better acquainted with your neighbors. We hope you’ll consider taking the necessary lead to implement the required actions.

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