Community Volunteers Needed!

It takes a considerable amount of effort to throw a party for the entire City of SeaTac and their guests!  A lot of planning and energy is required to stage the 4th of July Celebration - organizing the parade, coordinating the Foot Race Around the Lake, including the other water based races for swimming and boating!  Let alone the enormous amount of activity necessary to pull off one of the largest fireworks displays in the South Seattle area!

Although only supplemental funding is received from our city government (which we are truly grateful for!) the rest of the planning, coordinating, managing, preparing and executing is all firmly placed on the shoulders of community volunteers!

Committee Leaders are fully engaged in the planning of each of their respective events and additional assistance is always needed (and appreciated) to help in executing these activities.   However, where help is needed immediately is in the area of fundraising.  Every year we require a small army of volunteers (aprox 24 individuals) to help canvas the neighborhoods surrounding the lake.  If a single resident could solicit donations from 20 homes in their immediate neighborhood this would definitely help to make light the work and will assist us to complete the fundraising cycle in record time!

PLEASE contact us if you can help assist in this area.  We will provide all necessary training, materials and identification credentials to help you succeed in these efforts.  Email us at or contact any ALSC or ALMC board members for additional information.

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