Around the Corner: Cheap(er) Gas!

No, I'm not pretending to predict the price per barrel of crude oil will be coming down anytime soon – what I'm talking about is an opportunity to save money in these times of hyperinflation!

I usually don't get too excited about saving a few pennies per gallon on gasoline, especially if I have to travel a little bit out of my way to take advantage. But after having faced paying $5.05 per gallon recently in San Diego and with local reader boards consistently displaying $4.29 a gallon around town, I admit my interest was piqued when I caught a sign reading $3.69/gl. 

Considering an average fill-up requires 12-16 gallons for a standard passenger car and 26-38 gallons for a pickup truck – at $3.69 a gallon, you stand to realize savings between $7 to $23 per fill. That's no chump change. 

So just where is this secret petroleum paradise located? Well, first off, it's not intended to be a well-kept secret, although there has been zero wait time every time I've visited. This hot spot filling station is actually hiding in plain sight within the Safeway parking lot at Military Road So and So 164th Street – just look for the Purple Truck displaying the BOOSTER brand name. All you need to do is pull up alongside, send a cellular phone text message to the code shown and follow the simple instructions to pay by credit card. Sound complicated, don't worry! The fine attendants at the filling location will be eager to assist you through the procedural instructions and heck, you don't even need to get out of the vehicle – they'll even pump for you! (Just like being in Oregon without having to go to Oregon – double bonus!). 

I hope you take advantage of this way to save a few bucks. 

  • High-quality Fuel
  • Great local prices
  • Full-service
  • Contactless
Please mention that you were referred by the Angle Lake Shore Club Blog and let us know if you have any other money-saving information to share with your neighbors.
Happy Motoring!  

Voluntary Camera Registration Program

The SeaTac Police Department is creating a security camera registration program to help aid future investigations within the City of SeaTac. The objective of the program is to establish a map of both business and residential exterior facing camera locations throughout the City. The goal is to deter crime and promote public safety through a collaborative partnership between the City of SeaTac Police Department and the community they serve.

Be a Community Safety Partner

Enrolling home and business security cameras in the program will enable the SeaTac Police Department to know where security cameras are located. If something happens within view of a registered camera, knowing who to request video recordings from will expedite police department investigations for solving crimes promptly in your community.

By signing up, you WILL NOT be giving the police department access to your cameras. You are simply letting them know the cameras exist so that police officials can reach out to you if a crime happens in your neighborhood.

The information provided about you and your camera system will be for official use only. Your personal information will remain confidential and not be distributed except as required by law or court order. And SeaTac Police Department Officials will not request or obtain direct access or remote access to the camera equipment, security footage or cloud stored data.

This program is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw your camera information at any time.

Questions about the program, registering your security camera or canceling your registration can be directed to Community Service Officer Regina Burke at