The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer. Citizens across the country will be coming together as volunteers to improve their communities.
Looking for an easy way to volunteer with the family this MLK day?
Join Doug and Phil (aka Dug=Fuzz Hill and Fill=Judy Williams) and the Green SeaTac Partnership for a fun morning of restoration! We’ll be removing invasive weeds to make room for trees and native plants to thrive in Angel Lake Park.
MLK Day Work Party
Angle Lake Park Nature Trail
Monday, January 20th
9:00am - 12pm
Everyone can help! All ages are welcome and no experience is necessary. All the necessary tools and training will be provided.
Friends and family members are welcome but please RSVP for all members of your party to help us plan for a great event. To RSVP for this event, please contact
What to Bring: A water bottle, a snack if you want one, and tough clothes, and shoes that can get dirty (because they will!), including long pants and a long-sleeved shirt to protect against prickly blackberry. Closed-toed shoes are required: work boots, hiking boots, or running shoes are all fine. Remember to check the weather and bring appropriate layers and rain gear or sun protection as needed.
Your help is appreciated as we work to remove invasive plants, undergo light clean up and beautify the park. Not only is this service project beneficial to our environment, but it lets you spend some time in nature, which is healthy for your mind, body, and spirit.