We are weeks away from the Nation’s Independence Day Celebration. This year the holiday falls in the middle of the week with the ALSC events occurring throughout the middle of the day and the return of fireworks to the middle of the lake. However the display will be far from "middle of the road"!
In 2018, the fireworks show will be staged from the ALSC/Private partnership barges. The launch platform will be comprised of three of the barges constructed via our highly successful collective community effort which included a fundraising campaign to generate the necessary $42,000 for materials and many volunteers coming together over several weekends to build. The use of these barges is being graciously offered at no charge to the City and their contracted fireworks vendor.
By launching the shells from the middle of the lake this creates the clearance necessary to allow keeping the public beach and swim areas open the entire day for community enjoyment. It will also afford better viewing for spectators watching the display from the new Angle Lake Nature Trail, enabling an even greater opportunity for a getting a good view of the show.
You may also notice the absence of a ‘boom shack’ from the platform. Typically, pyrotechnicians operating the show will shelter behind an onboard barrier for protection. The new vendor, Halo Fireworks, is a leader in their industry in that they will be using advanced technology that enables firing shells remotely. This allows the pyrotechnicians to remain land based while firing the water based display. This technology will result in fewer barges required, reducing support effort needed and may ultimately introduce new opportunities for display variations to continue to wow spectators well into the future.
We hope you are as excited as we are for these new features to accompany our long standing traditional events. A complete outline of events, times and locations will be posted here next week. We hope you’ll join us for one or more of these activities!