Port of Seattle Police Citizen's Academy

Just announced is another opportunity to learn about local law enforcement 'behind the scenes' operations.  Similar to the SeaTac Police academy, this course provides the academy participant visibility into Port of Seattle operations covering airport and waterfront enforcement.  Subjects include patrol, community policing, recruitment and training, domestic violence, narcotics, dispatch, investigations, crimes scene analysis, SWAT, explosive detection and narcotics detection K-9, and the bomb squad.

The course is offered over a ten week period beginning April 12th and will be hosted at Sea-Tac Airport on Monday's from 9:00 until 11:00 am.  All classes are open to the public and offered free of charge, however a background check is required and classes are limited to a maximum of 25 participants, so get your application in early.  Further information is available at the Port of Seattle Police Web Site.

SeaTac 20th Year Anniversary Celebration

SeaTac council members and staff invite you to come join the celebration of the City's 20th Year Anniversary of Incorporation!  An open house will be hosted at City Hall from 5:00-8:00 p.m. with ceremonial presentations starting at 6:30 p.m.  Enjoy live entertainment, tours, informational displays and refreshments.

SeaTac Police Offering Training Courses

Want to know more about law enforcement in your area or learn how to help out in a community emergency?  The SeaTac police department is offering two courses for interested citizens.
The Citizen's Police Academy 
According to police officials, graduates of the free citizen's academy will increase their understanding of law enforcement's role in the criminal justice system and gain an appreciation for the many challenges facing law enforcement in today's complex society. The graduates will also be better able to assist officers in improving their neighborhoods and communities, the officials noted. Instructors promise presentations by King County Sheriff's Office units, several hands-on experiences and a King County Communications center field trip.  Those who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of completion and a photo with police staff. Classes for the academy are set to begin March 17th and will be held each Wednesday night, 6-9 p.m., for 11 weeks at the state Criminal Justice Training Center, 19010 1st Ave. S. in Burien. To apply or receive more information on the citizen's academy, SeaTac residents may contact Community Service Officer Eloise Kruger at 206-973-4915 or by way of emailing at  ekruger@ci.seatac.wa.us.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) 
The Federal Emergency Management Agency began promoting nationwide use of the community emergency response team concept in 1994. The goal is for emergency personnel to train neighborhood residents, community organization members and employees in basic emergency response skills. CERT members are then integrated into emergency response efforts for their area. Some sessions require physical participation while others are primarily lectures. Instructors emphasize that participants must be physically fit enough to engage in strenuous activities, such as lifting and carrying. Training is scheduled to start March 11. There is a $35 fee for the course and select supplies. For CERT training applicants should contact SeaTac Community Service Officer Mechee Burnett at 206-973-4917 or mechee.burnett@kingcounty.gov.

A thorough background check is conducted on applicants for both programs.

New Cover For Angle Lake Park Stage

The City of SeaTac initiated a project for the installation of a cover over the Angle Lake park stage by eliciting bids in February 2008. Although city engineers estimated the job to cost around $100,000, the lowest bid came in at over $270,000 and was rejected. The Parks and Recreation Department worked to redesign the project, reducing the estimated costs to around $150K. Since that time, the city has received a total of $57,000 in grants to help fund the endeavor. The revised stage cover was advertised in the Seattle Times newspaper and the bids were opened on December 8, 2009 with the lowest bid having been submitted by Trade-Marx Sign & Display Corporation for a total of $79,359.30.

On January 12, the SeaTac City Council accepted Trade-Marx Sign & Display Corporation of Seattle as the low bid for construction of the Angle Lake Park Stage Cover. The drawing above shows the preliminary design and the next step is for Trade-Marx Sign & Display Corporation to complete the construction design documents and submit for a City Building permit. Once the permit process is complete, construction is expected to begin immediately thereafter with the goal to have the installation completed prior to the International Festival in late June of 2010.

Lost and Found

It happens on occassion... a float toy; a paddle boat; or some other valuable breaks mooring and floats away. To help get things back to where they belong, we will be maintaining a 'Lost & Found' section on the upper right side of this blog. We are currently tracking one kayak missing and two separate boats fond.

If ever you retrieve a drifter from the lake or if you happen to be missing an item, please email the blog team at anglelakesc@gmail.com and we'll report it in effort to help reunite the item with it's rightful owner.